Label: "jános lázár"

April 18, 2017 09:28

Hungarian gov't creates no election budget for 2018 - Lázár

Supporting Hungarian businesses is the key political objective.

March 28, 2017 09:11

Real Beer of Csík to change name after deal with Heineken

They figured out what could have made Heineken tick.

March 27, 2017 17:47

Hungary will not withdraw 'lex Heineken', it's already in Brussels

Even though Heineken and Csíki Beer agreed to drop litigation.

March 22, 2017 08:52

Hungary wants Heineken to change star on label back to white

Proposed law is partly retaliation.

March 21, 2017 12:10

Will Hungarian lawmakers revoke 'lex Heineken'? "Bollocks!"

Saber rattling continues over anti-Heineken bill.

March 17, 2017 12:33

Hungarian gov't may drop plan to slap another levy on retailers

Was it just another attempt to restore Sunday shopping ban?

March 17, 2017 10:06

Hungary jumps down large breweries' throat

In protection of small, defenseless, repressed local breweries.

March 08, 2017 17:31

Hungary out to get multinational food retail chains again

Interesting mix of measures, 20 billion forints to be collected from "parking levy".

February 23, 2017 17:11

Hungarian gov't nearly doubles budget for stadium reconstruction

Why they need HUF 90 bn more?

February 09, 2017 15:02

Thanks President Putin, but no thanks - Lázár

Hungary turns down Putin's offer to fully finance Paks II

January 09, 2017 12:18

Hungary Residency Bond may be scrapped this year

Or not...

December 14, 2016 16:20

Hungary revises 2016 deficit target upwardly - Lázár

The new estimate is for a shortfall of over 2.0% of GDP.

December 01, 2016 15:52

Knock, knock! Who's there? It's your Christmas present from Mr. Orbán!

If you're a Hungarian pensioner, make sure you're home in the days before Christmas!